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Early Years Nutrition

Having worked with hundreds of nurseries in the UK, I’m passionate about helping early years settings provide healthy, balanced, and nutritious food that helps children flourish.

Are you looking for expert guidance to create exceptional menus that go above and beyond the national voluntary guidance?

Do you need engaging training or webinars for your team or parents on key topics in early years nutrition, such as managing special dietary requirements, planning menus on a budget, tackling food refusal, or navigating allergies?


Whether you’re a nursery, pre-school, or childminder, I’m here to support you in achieving a standard excellence in early years nutrition. Let’s work together to elevate your food provision and create a foundation for lifelong healthy eating habits.

Catherine's training was absolutely perfect and the team all drew confidence and knowledge for both personal and professional reasons. The knowledge that she shared has already helped me and I know many others of the team, in adapting our eating environment, reframing language, discussions and guiding children and their caregivers in their food choices



The Friendly Food Club

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